Rain again today, can not complain we need it. Perhaps we’ll not have another fire season like we had last year.
I leave in less than 5 weeks- And until I leave I am making the most of my time with friends and Community.

More visitors from the east side of Montana.…
Bob and Naomi Rushdal took the train from Forsyth, Montana to Libby to visit their son. He brought them up for a visit. It was a fast and furious visit full of smiles and laughter. She brought news of my dear friend Berniece Higgenbotham from Forsyth now a young 94 year old. I met Berniece and her Uncle Bill Straw (now deceased) when I wintered in Bill’s little red barn north of town. I have many years and experiences traveling to reflect back on but THIS, living out in that wild landscape 4 miles from town, alone for 5 months was a highlight I will never forget, I just loved the time there.

From the past

ALL for now….