Lets pause for a sponsor break.
1 & 2…I used this cinch set up on Liska the other day. I am using the Tucker Trail Saddle and Outfitters Supply double cinch and it works SOO incredibly well, offers more stability when I have front and rear bags on. If I were traveling however I would have padded the cinch rings for more comfort.
3. The girls wearing Cashel fly masks making a bee line for Source Micro-nutrients.
4. The new Sikdo saddle pad, I am using with the Tuckers Trail saddle, The famous Sunbody Hat. and the best and safest horseshoe for long distance riding from the Blacksmith Shop.
5. A wonderful summer read, by Sally Wagner – “The Women’s Suffrage Movement” I had not realized until reading this book and another book about Lucy Stone that before the right to vote entered the public domain, women first had to have the right to SPEAK in public…more on that next posting.
(painting by Ima Jean Harrison of beloved Claire Dog)
Thank you so much all of you.
I believe this will be a year of rest after that long book tour. But next year I do hope to reel in two – 500mile rides.
Thank you all of you that stay in touch and who send emails or FB messages or who purchase my book.
October will bring a few more talks as I head south for the winter, right now I am happy to be quietly passing a smoke free summer at my cabin. Happy Trails