sister Joan Carlisle
I rode into Judy Boyers home late Saturday afternoon. Judy came out with one of her young 4-H students to make sure I was on the correct trail. Both Judy and Joan are well respected horsewomen in the area. Joan just celebrated her 80th birthday and Judy her 76th and as soon as I met both of them I knew I was among two outstanding time honored horsewomen who have devoted their entire lives to educating thru the equine spirit.
Hi Bernice, March 7,2015
This poem reminds me of you…
Do You Fear the Wind? By Hamlin Garland 1860-1940
Do you fear the force of the wind? The slash of the rain?
Go face them and fight them, be savage again.
Grow hungry and cold like the wolf,
Go wade like the crane.
The palms of your hands will thicken, the skin of your cheeks will tan.
You’ll grow ragged and weary and swarthy, but
You’ll walk like a man.a woman.