Through the Border, Into Canada! May 10th, 2012

Monday night we rode just south of the border and had a lovely ranch to camp out at. There were about 30 bulls in some land next to where we were camped out, so there was plenty of bull arguing and yelling and stomping to watch! Tuesday morning we packed up and headed to the border. After being asked a number of questions we waited to hear whether they would let us through or not! After getting all of the required government documents and vaccinations and health papers for the animals, we thought we were good to go! And finally, through the border we went, realising how much more strict the border had gotten after 9/11. We have had many interesting discussions on this from folks who live close to the border on both sides.
Tuesday afternoon we arrived in the lovely little town of Killdeer. A beautiful day it was! We got permission to stay in the yard of the community hall. The Community Hall was filled with interesting pictures from the 1940’s until today, and scattered with bits of local history. The next morning we got to explore the area a bit more with a local man named, Amel, who was generous enough to tour us around to see some of the beautiful areas southern Saskatchewan has to offer, including Wood Mountain and the town of Rockglen. It was also suggested that we go through the Grassland National Park rather than keep going north as planned. We took his advice, and here we are in the beautiful and vast Grassland National Park. We rode in last night into a beautiful scenic campground as the sun was beginning to set. We also met another very helpful and kind gentleman, Warren, who came out to visit with us at the Grasslands to give some helpful navigation and suggestions about the region.
Today it is cold and rainy so we decided to camp here for an extra day. We met three local park rangers who have been incredibly hospitable, helped us develop a trail to get us twoards the Town of Swift Current, and talked in detail about some fascinating Canadian history.
We will head out tomorrow, and will most likely be in Swift Current in about a week, and will post more then!
Happy Trails!
Learn more about Grasslands National Park here: