I am offered support nearly each and every day as I cross the country via horseback. Many offer food, a shower, or let me wash clothes. Some offer a place to camp… the list goes on.
I keep my expenses low. I have learned to eat a wide variety of wild foods and keep the gear my SPONSORS provide me in good condition. Of course there are other expenses that must be met…
So if you are so inclined, here is a way of contributing to my ride. If you find any joy and stimulation in my rides, please consider a modest donation — however much you can afford. When it comes from the heart it’s the kind of gesture that makes me warm with appreciation. A way of saying thank you for doing something that you perhaps have always wanted to do, or just because you might be inclined to encourage this wild behavior… Ride on.
What ever you wish to contribute, be it a handshake or a smile, a few kind words or a monetary contribution, I send you a hearty and sincere…
Bernice Ende